
The best solution for missing teeth

Implants are artificial tooth roots to which the actual dentures are attached. Implants contribute significantly to regaining a high quality of life. They make it possible to laugh, eat and speak again without any limitations.

The best-studied implants with the best long-term results are made of metal (titanium). Titanium is a very resistant and extremely biocompatible metal that does not interact with body. Up to date, no allergic reactions have occurred or are known to occur with its use.

For the planning of implants it is decisive how the subsequent tooth replacement should look like. If it is a single-tooth gap, the decision is clear: the implant can only be combined with a crown. As soon as there are only a few or no teeth left, the shape of the prosthetic restoration must first be clarified. This determines the number and position of the implants to be placed.

We use guided surgery to achieve most accurate and safe results.

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implantes dentales en madrid

Dental treatments
