This privacy policy sets out to explain to you how we manage personal data on this website. You must read it and accept this policy to continue browsing.

KNOBEL.DENTAL is a project of ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL (KNOBEL.DENTAL), with tax ID number: Y0573138S.

This privacy declaration describes the personal data we collect from our users and how we use it. Please read these terms carefully before facilitating your personal data on this website.

Users’ personal data is respected and cared for on this website. You should know as a user that your rights are guaranteed.

We have made every effort to create a secure and and trustworthy space and that’s why we’d like to share our principles about your privacy with you:

  • We never ask for personal information unless it’s really necessary to enable us to provide the services you want from us.
  • We never share personal information about our users with anyone, except when we have to comply with the law or when we have your express authorisation.
  • We will never use your personal data for any purpose other then the ones expressed in this privacy policy.

We should warn you that this Privacy Policy may change in line with legislative or self-regulatory requirements, and so we advise users to regularly visit the site. This shall apply in cases where users decide to complete one of the contact forms in which personal data is entered.

KNOBEL.DENTAL has adapted this website to the requirements of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD in Spanish), and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, known as the implementing regulation of the LOPD. It also complies with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons (GDPR), and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI in Spanish).


Controller of the processing of your personal data


  • Controller’s Identity: ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL
  • Commercial name: KNOBEL.DENTAL
  • CIF: Y0573138S
  • Electronic mail: INFO@KNOBEL.DENTAL

For the purposes of the provisions of the aforementioned General Data Protection Regulation, the personal data that you send use via website forms shall receive “Website users and subscribers” data processing.

To process our users’ data, we implement all the technical and organisational measures established by legislation currently in force.


Principles we shall apply to your personal information


When processing your personal data, we shall apply the following principles in line with the requirements of the new European data protection regulations:

  • Fairness, legality and transparency:We shall always require your consent to process your personal data for one or more specific purposes, which we shall inform you about beforehand with total transparency.
  • Data minimisation principle:We shall only ask for the data that is strictly related to the purposes for which we need it. The smallest possible amount.
  • Storage limitation principle:the data shall be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes of processing, depending on the aim, we shall inform you of the relevant storage period, as regards subscriptions, we shall regularly review our lists and delete any registrations that have been inactive for a long period.
  • Integrity and confidentiality principle:Your data shall be processed in such a way as to guarantee adequate security and confidentiality of any personal data. You should know that we take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorised access or misuse of our users’ data by third parties.


How did we obtain your data?


The personal data we process in KNOBEL.DENTAL comes from:

  • Contact form


What are your rights when you provide your data?


Anyone has a right to obtain information about whether we at KNOBEL.DENTAL are processing any personal data that concerns them or not. Data subjects are entitled to:

  • Ask for access to personal data about the data subject
  • Request correction or deletion
  • Request limitation of data processing
  • Oppose the processing
  • Request data portability

Data subjects can access their personal data, and ask for any inexact data to be corrected, or even deleted, when, amongst other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In certain circumstances, data subjects can ask for the processing of their data to be limited, in which case it shall only be kept for lodging or defending claims.

In certain circumstances, and for reasons related to their own particular situation, data subjects can oppose the processing of their data.  ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL shall stop processing the data, unless there are compelling legitimate grounds to do otherwise, or to defend against possible claims. As a data subject, you are entitled to receive the personal data that concerns you, that you have provided us with, in a structured format and in a readily usable and machine readable form, and to transfer it to another data controller when:

  • The processing is based on consent
  • The data has been provided by the data subject.
  • Processing is executed by mechanical means.


When you exercise your right to data portability, you are entitled to the option of having your personal data directly transferred from controller to controller whenever this is technically possible.

Data subjects are also entitled to effective legal protection and to present a claim to the supervisory authority, in this case, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, if they consider that the processing of their personal data infringes the Regulation.


What do we process your personal data for?


When a user connects to this website to do something like obtain a digital marketing report, send an email to the owner, enter into or carry out some kind of contract, he or she is providing personal information that KNOBEL.DENTAL is responsible for. This information may include personal data such as your IP address, name, physical address, email address, telephone number and/or other information. When you provide this information, the user gives consent to his or her information being compiled, used, managed and stored by KNOBEL.DENTAL, only in the manner described in the Legal Notice and in this Privacy Policy.

At KNOBEL.DENTAL there are different personal information collection and processing systems for the data provided by data subjects, and each collection system has its own particular aims (forms):

  • Contact formWe ask for the following personal data: Name, Email, Telephone number and Message to respond to the requirements of the users of KNOBEL.DENTAL. For example, we may use the data to respond to your request and answer any queries, complaints, comments or concerns you might have about the information included on the website, the services that are provided via the website, the processing of your personal data, issues relating to the legal texts included on the website, and any other queries you might have that are not subject to contractual conditions.

We process your personal data for other reasons:

  • To guarantee compliance with the conditions of use and applicable laws. This may include the development of tools and algorithms that help this website to ensure the confidentiality of the personal data it collects.
  • To support and improve the services offered by this website.
  • Other non-identifying data is also collected via cookies that are downloaded to the user’s computer when he or she browses on this website. This process is described in the cookies policy.
  • To manage the social networks. KNOBEL.DENTAL may have a presence on the social networks. Processing of the data belonging to people that follow the social networks of the official pages of DENTAL shall be governed by this section, along with any conditions of use, privacy policies and access standards that form part of the social network in each case that are previously accepted y the user of ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL. It shall process the data for the purpose of correctly administering the user’s presence on the social network, reporting on activities, products or services offered by KNOBEL.DENTAL. Any other purpose permitted by the social networks is also included. We shall never use the profiles of followers on social networks to send individual advertising.

In accordance with the provisions of the European general data protection regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL (KNOBEL.DENTAL) with domicile on CALLE DE FRANCISCO SUÁREZ, 23 shall be the controller of processed data belonging to users of the website and its subscribers.

KNOBEL.DENTAL, does not sell, lease or transfer personal data that might identify a user, and shall not do so in future, to third parties without prior consent. However, in some cases collaborations may take place with other professionals and such cases consent from users shall be required, informing them of the identity of the collaborator and the purpose of the collaboration. This shall always be done under the strictest security standards.




The function of remarketing is to enable us to reach out to people that have visited KNOBEL.DENTAL before and associate a given audience with a particular message. Remarketing is a method to get users who have visited our site to visit it again.

Given that you are a user of  KNOBEL.DENTAL  it is my duty to inform you that I am collecting information for this remarketing function at KNOBEL.DENTAL.

The information we collect thanks to this function is collected by the cookies of Facebook and/or Google. You and find out more about the data that these cookies collect in the following privacy policies of each service:

If you don’t want your information to be collected by these cookies, you can disable the use of Google cookies via the adverts configuration of Google. You can also disable the use of cookies by a third party provider via the opt-out page of the Network Advertising Initiative.

This type of service enables interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this website. The interactions and information obtained by this website shall always be subject to the privacy settings of the user in each social network. If a service is installed that enables interaction with social networks, it may collect data about web traffic for the pages in which it is installed even though users do not use the service.


Facebook ads and Google Adwords


At KNOBEL.DENTAL  we use Facebook ads (Facebook advertising platform) and Google Adwords (Google advertising platform), to enable us to create campaigns and adverts. When an advert is generated, the public may be segmented by:

  • Place
  • Demographic data (age, sex, etc.)
  • Interests (activities, hobbies, etc.)
  • What they buy on the Internet and via other channels

The data obtained via such channels is subject to this privacy policy from the moment the user leaves his or her data in the forms on this website. The information from Facebook and/or Google shall never be used for a different purpose.


Legitimacy to process your data


The legal basis for processing your data is: your consent.

To download the digital marketing report, contact or subscribe to this website requires consent to this privacy policy.

The prospective or commercial offer of products and services is based on the consent of the person requesting it, and the withdrawal of said consent does not affect the execution of the subscription contract in any way.

Category of data

The categories of data processed are identifying data. Specially protected data is not processed.


How long do we keep your data for?


The personal data you provide shall be stored:

  • For as long as a commercial relationship is maintained.
  • While the data subject does not request deletion of the data.
  • After the relationship ends, the data is kept for a reasonable period of time to comply with the requirements of applicable legislation.


Who receives the data we transmit?


Our company shall never share your data with any third-party company that might use it in their direct marketing campaigns, except in those cases where you expressly authorised us to do so.

We may facilitate your personal data to organisations of the Public Administration and competent authorities in cases where we receive a legal demand by said authorities or in cases where, acting in good faith, we consider it is reasonably necessary to do so in order to comply with legal proceedings; to respond to a legal claim or plea; or to protect the rights of clients or the general public.

You data shall not be transferred or communicated to third parties when our company is the sole controller of the processing and custody of same.


Access by persons under age


Pursuant to the GDPR EU 679/2016 and RD 1720/2007, persons under 14 years of age may give their consent to the contracting of services of the information society, such as registration in a forum, completing a contact form, etc.

To process the data of minors under 14 years of age, said data collection shall be undertaken with the express consent of their parents or legal guardians.




When navigating through  KNOBEL.DENTAL , non-identifying data may be collected, which may include, IP addresses, geographical location (approximate), data about the domains, key words, sales objectives, profit ratio, etc., through the use of our application and a log of how the services and sites are used, along with other data that cannot be used to identify the user. Non-identifying data may also include your browsing habits via third-party services. This web-site uses the following third-party analytical services:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Inside

We use this information to analyse trends, administer the site, track the movements of users around the site and to compile demographic information about our user base as a whole.


Confidentiality and security of data


KNOBEL.DENTAL  undertakes to respect confidentiality when using and processing any personal data of users that is included, and to use it in accordance with the purpose of same, and to comply with the obligation to store it and take all necessary measures to prevent any alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access, in accordance with the provisions of legislation currently in force on data protection.

This website includes an SSL certificate. This is a security protocol that ensures that your data travels in a complete and secure manner, in other words, the transmission of the data between a server and web server, and in feedback, is totally encrypted or coded.

KNOBEL.DENTAL  cannot guarantee the absolute security of the Internet and therefore the infringement of data using fraudulent means by third parties.

As regards processing confidentiality, ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL shall ensure that any person authorised by KNOBEL.DENTAL to process a client’s data (including their staff, collaborators and providers), are under the appropriate obligations of confidentiality (contractual or legal duty).

When there is a security incident, as soon as KNOBEL.DENTAL is aware of same it should notify the Client without undue delay and provide the appropriate information about the Security Incident when the incident comes to light or when the Client so requests.


Accuracy and veracity of data


As a user, you are solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data that you send to  KNOBEL.DENTAL , exempting ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL (KNOBEL.DENTAL), from any responsibility in this regard.

In any case, users guarantee and are answerable for the accuracy, relevance and authenticity of the personal data that is provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user accepts that he or she shall provide complete and correct information in the contact or subscription form.


Acceptance and consent


The user declares that he or she has been informed of the conditions concerning the protection of personal data, and accepts and consents to the processing of same by ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL (KNOBEL.DENTAL) in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this privacy policy.




The consent provided for processing and for transferring the data of data subjects may be revoked at any time by informing KNOBEL.DENTAL under the terms established in this Policy to exercise your ARCO rights. This revocation shall never be retroactive.


Changes to the privacy policy


ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL reserves the right to change this policy to adapt it to new legislation or case law and to practices in the industry. In such a situation, ALEXANDER ANDREAS DR KNOBEL shall announce the changes made on this page with reasonable notice prior to setting them in motion.


Commercial emails


Pursuant to the LSSICE,  KNOBEL.DENTAL  shall not send SPAM emails, and so shall not send commercial emails that have not been previously requested or authorised by the user. Therefore, in each form available on the website, the user has the option of giving express consent  to receive the bulletin, regardless of any commercial information that is specifically requested.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce,  KNOBEL.DENTAL  undertakes to not send commercial communications without due identification of same.

Thank you for reading this privacy policy.